Last Reviewed:  27th January 2022

Last Change: 27th January 2022

Scouting in West Sussex is currently in an Yellow Readyness from the 2nd December – we can run unlimited group sizes inside and out, but with strong social distancing and lots of sanitizer. Masks are a requirement for all scout age and above indoors [11+] unless exempt.

Risk Assessments

As well as our usual assessments to manage risk, we do a specific set of COVID-specific risk assessments, similar to how businesses do COVID-SECURE for their workplaces.

Core Risk Assessment

Location Risk Assessments

All sections also do a written non-covid risk-assessment for their activities. Ask your section leadership if you want to see it.


[27/01/2022] Scout back to Green – all domestic activities allowed with enhanced santiation
[02/12/2021] Scouting back into Yellow in England – added mask wearing for 11+
[31/08/2021] Scouting back to Green – all domestic activities allowed with enhanced sanitation.
[17/05/2021] Step 3 of the lockdown roadmap – allows additionally for residential experiences for groups of 6 (including the adults). As a group we've made a decision to not do residentials till the group sizes get bigger.
[12/04/2021] Step 2 of the lockdown roadmap – sections can meeting inside or outside in unlimited numbers [with social distancing and other mitigation measures] – but 2nd Worthing will strong lean towards outdoor where possible.
[29/03/2021] Step 1b of the lockdown roadmap means sections can meet outside in unlimited numbers [with social distancing and other mitigation measures]
[26/12/2020] All sections meeting virtually as West Sussex moves to Tier 4
[02/12/2020] All sections meeting physically during Tier 2
[05/11/2020] All sections meeting virtually during lockdown 2.0
[21/07/2020] Cub Packs have first meeting
[17/07/2020] Scout Troop has first meeting
[16/03/2020] Face-to-Face Scouting suspended due to COVID-19